packing and shipping logistics

Multiple Trucks, Multiple Parcel Sizes, Multiple Destinations Optimized all at once.

With globalMOO, simplify the labyrinthine challenges of shipping logistics into actionable, optimized solutions.

globalMOO Revolutionizes Shipping with Multi-Objective Optimization

Real-Time Harmony of Multiple Shipping Objectives from Container Stacking to Fuel Efficiency

While traditional shipping logistics often hinges on single-objective optimization, globalMOO sets a new standard with its cutting-edge AI-driven decision-making and unique multi-objective optimization capabilities.
Say goodbye to oversimplifying your intricate shipping operations and solve them manually. With globalMOO, you have the capability to harmonize a multitude of objectives, including container stacking, weight and volume maximization for each container, fuel efficiency, axle load balancing, port turnaround times, delivery order and more, all in real-time.
The platform is equipped to fluidly manage and fine-tune hundreds of variables, bestowing unparalleled clarity and command over your shipping processes.

globalMOO Optimizes Shipping: Reduces Trucks by 7% in Massive 9,000 Parcel, Multi-Country Operation

Weight and volume distribution of parcels that are bound to ship to a specific country in one shipment.
Weight and volume distribution of trucks after loaded with the parcels for the specific destination.

globalMOO takes only ~1 minute to load ~140 trucks that ship to 15 warehouses in 7 countries for ~9,000 parcels and over 150 clients. In this real case, using globalMOO reduced the required number of trucks to deliver the parcels by 7%.

Package loading for shipping and trucking, optimized to balance load, weight, volume, axle load, minimize costs, and account for delivery sequencing, destinations and minimize the number of trucks necessary to ship the parcel. It accommodates the parcels with different dimensions. Trucks were loaded based on the loads for multiple customers (each customer’s load kept in the same truck), for multiple destinations, unloading order and total weight on each axle.

Harnessing Cutting-Edge Algorithms for User-Friendly, Efficient, and Responsive Shipping Logistics

The brilliance of globalMOO is not just its ability to handle complexity but also its user-friendliness, rapid response time, and data efficiency. Our AI supports you throughout the shipping logistics landscape, continuously learning, adjusting, and delivering actionable insights that propel you toward optimal efficiency.

Ready to Revolutionize Your Approach to Shipping Logistics?
Start Free Trial and Experience the Power of globalMOO!

Witness for yourself how globalMOO can evolve your shipping operations, enhancing efficiencies, augmenting visibility, and enabling you to accomplish your business objectives more effectively than ever before.