loading and routing logistics

Streamlining Warehouse Operations and Routing for Seamless Delivery from Start to Finish

From Warehouse to Final Destination: globalMOO can revolutionize your logistics operations, driving efficiencies, enhancing visibility, and empowering you to achieve your business goals like never before.

globalMOO is the leading-edge optimization software suite that redefines how you approach logistics and supply chain management.

Streamlining Complex Logistics for Modern Supply Chains

Designed with Supply Chain, Warehouse, Trucking and Shipping Managers in mind, globalMOO revolutionizes logistics problem-solving, turning complex issues into actionable, optimized strategies addressing parcel optimization for multiple trucks, multi type vehicle parcel optimization, multi type vehicle, multi type parcel and routing optimization.

Beyond Single-Objective Optimization to Clarity and Control in Logistics

globalMOO revolutionizes logistics optimization with advanced AI-driven, multi-objective decision-making. Say goodbye to single-criterion approaches like NPV. Instead, globalMOO empowers you to balance diverse objectives such as load optimization, package allocation, fuel efficiency, and vehicle wear. Its flexibility extends to managing hundreds of variables, providing unprecedented clarity and control over your logistics operations.

Distance, weight, volume, number of delivery optimization for 405 packages among 10 vans.

In this problem case 405 packages will be distributed using 10 vans. The capacity of the vans in terms of total volume and weight are specified. Minimum and maximum parcel weight and volume that can be loaded to minivans are also specified. First a forward solution that minimized the distance that the vans travel is run. The left panel on the figure above summarizes the results of the forward solution. In this solution 60 parcels did not fit into the vans and the weight, volume and number of deliveries are not balanced among the vans.

globalMOO Achieves Balanced Distribution and Optimizes Delivery Efficiency for 10 Vans

Using globalMOO even distribution of 40 objectives including distance, weight, volume and delivery items for 10 vans is achieved. Solution is within the specified 10% of the average of each parameter. Weight, volume and number of deliveries are balanced among the 10 vans. Optimization also fits more items into the trucks to be delivered. In the forward solution 60 packages left due to truck constraints while globalMOO optimization leaves only 20 packages behind. Please note that in this example in addition to distance, weight, volume and number of deliveries not only are constrained by each vehicle’s capacity but also optimized by proper parcel distribution to each vehicle. In other commercial applications, distance is the only parameter that is optimized.

globalMOO Outperforms Competing Algorithms

In benchmark evaluations, globalMOO finds optimal routes faster than competing algorithms, while discovering solutions that balance far more disparate variables and business needs than are usually considered.
Witness the transformative impact of globalMOO with our simplified demo, which successfully tackles the classic routing problem, while optimizing multiple objectives simultaneously. Although the demo is simplified, don’t let it fool you. This is the same technology that can take on your most complex logistics challenges, giving you a real taste of what our software suite can do for your business.

Ready to Revolutionize Logistics?
Start Free Trial and Experience the Power of globalMOO!

Experience firsthand how globalMOO can revolutionize your logistics operations, driving efficiencies, enhancing visibility, and empowering you to achieve your business goals like never before.