Executive Decision Making

Achieve Multiple Business Targets Without Trade-offs

Real life business decisions require balancing multiple desired goals. Focusing on a single goal ignores the improvement opportunities of underlying potential and creates tradeoff among competing values. globalMOO solves multiple objectives together with no trade-offs.

globalMOO Streamlines Executive Decision-Making, Unifying Cross-Departmental Objectives for Optimal Results

Empower Decisions, Unite Objectives: globalMOO's Algorithm for Harmonized Business Success

Executive decision-making often involves juggling information from various departments, each with its own objectives and data silos. This complex flow of interdependent information requires decision makers to synthesize diverse inputs for informed, company-wide decisions, typically simplifying them into single metrics like NPV or KPI for manageability.

globalMOO offers an agent-based solution that not only learns from each department’s data but also integrates these insights to guide collective actions. This approach aligns with the decision maker’s multiple objectives. Adaptable and robust, globalMOO efficiently handles models with up to 300 variables and 500 objectives.


globalMOO Simplifies Complex Decision-Making Across Four Departments to Meet Revenue, Expense, and Emission Targets

For simplicity the complex executive decision making process is demonstrated for a company with four departments and three business targets to achieve. Four departments are Marketing, R&D, logistics and Production. The company has revenue, expense and CO2 emission targets. 35 interdependent models are used to calculate revenue, emissions and expenses using each departments input. globalMOO inversely solves the models to determine what actions each department should take to meet the company objectives.

globalMOO determines actions for each department to achieve company targets

Impact of Multi-Objective Optimization Strategy on Business Metrics

If a single target such a revenue is optimized, other targets, emission and expenses are trade-offs. The movie below shows the comparison of single objective optimization vs. multi-objective globalMOO solution. When only revenue is optimized the other targets are compromised. With globalMOO it is possible to achieve all targets at the same time.

Ready to Revolutionize Decision-Making?
Start Free Trial and Experience the Power of globalMOO!

Streamline your decision-making with globalMOO, achieving multiple business targets efficiently and without compromise.